Legal Notice

1. Intellectual property

2. Nature of information

3. Links to other sites

4. Data privacy and confidential information

5. Limitations of liability

6. Availability of the web site

7. Information on the products

8. Legal framework

9. Legal notice

10. Credits

This page describes the legal instructions, which apply to every Internet-user visiting this site. In consulting this site you undertake to respect these instructions without reservation. We advise you to consult these instructions regularly, as they may be modified from time to time and without notice.

Your access to and use of the website (hereinafter the “Site”) are subject to the following terms and conditions and all relevant laws. By locating and browsing this Site you confirm that you accept without reservation the terms and conditions stated hereunder and that you shall respect them.

1. Intellectual property

This Site is owned and operated by Zentiva Group, a.s. (hereafter the “Zentiva”).

The materials displayed or presented on this Site, including all documents, files, design, graphics, technical sketches, equipment, codes and the general appearance of the Site, are subject of copyright owned by Zentiva and certain companies belonging to the same group of companies as Zentiva as defined in s. 79 of Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on Business Corporations and Cooperatives, as amended, as well as “© copyright Zentiva Group, a.s. 2017", under Act No. 121/2000 Sb. on Copyright, on Rights Relating to Copyright and on the Amendment of Certain Acts, as amended.

All rights are reserved, unless stated otherwise in a specific case. Further, all names of products stated on this Site are the trademarks of Zentiva, unless it is stated for these names that they are owned by another entity. The trademarks, trade name, logos and products contained on the Site are nationally and internationally protected. Any use of these trademarks, trade name, logos and products without a prior written consent of Zentiva is prohibited.

2. Nature of information

The information, notably financial information, provided on the Site shall not be considered as an invitation to invest. They shall not be interpreted as canvassing or public offering, and do not constitute either an offer to subscribe, purchase, or deal in Zentiva shares or any other securities issued by Zentiva and/or its subsidiaries. Zentiva draws your attention to the fact that financial information posted on the Site is regularly updated.

As the case may be, expert opinions concerning a particular area in relation with the content of the Site shall be posted on the Site, or extracts from press articles. Such information represents only the opinions of the respective experts or of the newspaper, which opinions are not necessarily those of Zentiva. Such experts are not employees of Zentiva and do not receive any compensation from Zentiva for the use of their opinion. Zentiva is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any information or opinions set forth in such materials. Expert advice reflects only the personal view of that expert, and in no case shall it be regarded as the opinion or responsibility of Zentiva.

Moreover, the Site contains information relating to health, fitness and various kinds of medical treatment reserved exclusively for use by human beings. This is for information purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or pharmacist. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing any illness or physical problem or as distance treatment or in order to prescribe or use any medication presented on the Site. You should always consult your own physician or pharmacist and carefully read package leaflet of the medication.

Information posted on the Site does not serve as means of persuasion or motivation to use or prescribe medicinal products, influence results of clinical tests of Zentiva products or influence directly or indirectly any decision making related to Zentiva or Zentiva products.

3. Links to other sites

The responsibility of Zentiva will not be called into account with regard to any third-party site to which you may have gained access via the Site. We have no way of controlling the content of these third-party sites which remain totally independent of Zentiva. In addition, the existence of a link between the Site and any third party site in no way implies that Zentiva in any way approves of the content of this site, or, moreover, any use to which such content may be put. Furthermore, it is your responsibility to take the necessary precautions to prevent the Site being contaminated by, including, but not limited to, one or more “viruses”, “Trojan horses” or any other “parasites”.

External sites may contain hyperlinks leading to the Site. No such hyperlink shall be installed without Zentiva’s express prior consent. In any case, Zentiva is in no way responsible for the unavailability of such external sites and Zentiva does not review, control, approve, nor is it responsible for any content, advertising, products or other materials available on or accessible via those sites.

4. Data privacy and confidential information 

4.1 Information about processing of personal data by Zentiva is included in the Privacy Notice which is available at:

Zentiva informs you that cookies are used to collect the information about your behavior on the Site, such as your preferred language or other settings. You have the right to reject using the cookies. For more information, please see our Cookie Policy

4.2 The Site is not designed to receive any confidential information which you may submit. As a result, and with the exception of the personal data outlined above, all information, whatever form it is in: document, data, graphics, questions, suggestions, concepts, remarks or other - which you communicate on the Site will in no way be considered as confidential. As result of this, the simple fact of your transmitting this data to us grants us the right to use, reproduce, diffuse or modify this data, or to transmit it in the aim of processing your request.

5. Limitations of liability

Zentiva makes every effort to ensure to the best of its abilities the accuracy and updating of the information broadcast on the Site, whose content the company reserves the right to change at any time and without prior notice. Nonetheless, Zentiva cannot fully guarantee the accuracy, precision, updating or exhaustiveness of the information made available on the Site. As a result the latter cannot be held liable for:

any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission related to the information provided on the Site; any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to the modification of the information or materials provided on the Site;

in a more general way, any damage, regardless of its cause, origin, nature or consequences, even whilst Zentiva has been aware of the possibility of such damage, whether it be the result of (i) access or inability to access the Site, (ii) the use of the Site, including any damage or virus which may infect your computer system or any other product, and/or (iii) credit given to any information provided directly or indirectly by the Site.

The materials in the Site and all other sites are provided “as is”, without any kind of warranty, whether express or implied. Zentiva does not offer any express or implied warranty related without limitation to their merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

6. Availability of the web site

You acknowledge that (i) it is technically impossible that the Site will be provided free of defaults and that Zentiva cannot take any responsibility for this, (ii) that defaults may lead to the temporary unavailability of the Site, and that (iii) the operation of the Site may be adversely affected by conditions and performances outside Zentiva’s control, such as, for example, transmission and telecommunication links between Zentiva and you and between Zentiva and other systems and networks.

Zentiva and/or its suppliers may, at any time, temporarily or permanently modify or interrupt, all or part of the Site in order to perform maintenance work and/or make improvements and/or changes to the Site. Zentiva is not liable for any modification to or suspension or interruption of the Site.

7. Information on the products

The information contained and broadcast on the Site may contain direct or indirect references to products, programs and services of Zentiva which are not proposed or available in certain countries or regions, or which may be offered under a different trademark, and which may be subject to different regulations and conditions of use according to the country. Such references do not imply any intention on the part of Zentiva to sell these products, programs or services in your country. Please consult the local Zentiva subsidiary or your Zentiva commercial partner for any information concerning the products, programs and services which are available in your region / country.

8. Legal framework

The Site and its content are governed by the laws of the Czech Republic. Any possible litigation referring to the Site and its content will come under the competence of Czech Courts.

9. Legal notice

9.1 Site Editor:

Zentiva Group, a.s., U kabelovny 529/16, Praha 10, Dolní Měcholupy, Czech Republic, Post Code: 102 00.

9.2 Publishing Director and Managing Editor:

Ines Windisch, Head of Corporate Affairs, Zentiva Group, a.s.

9.3 Site Hosting

Microsoft Azure
North Europe-Ireland
Takeda Ireland Ltd (Grange Castle)
New Nangor Road, Grange
Dublin 22

10. Credits

10.1 Photo credits

Shutterstock, gettyimages, iStock

Mr Petr Adámek, Czech Republic, Mr Pavel Horník, Czech Republic

Zentiva Group, a.s.